All members of the PCREIA will be held to a higher standard of business ethics, honesty, integrity, competency, fairness and behavioral conduct as a condition of becoming and remaining as a member of PCREIA. All members of the PCREIA shall agree to observe and be bound by the following Code of Ethics:
PCREIA members shall treat other members of the Association with courtesy and respect, and shall refrain from unjust comments or criticism about fellow members.
PCREIA members will not knowingly engage in activities that will bring discredit to their fellow members or the Association.
PCREIA members will not offer or accept compensation in any form for information or acts that might unfairly prejudice, or impair the judgment, or unfairly affect the decision of another party.
PCREIA members will act as positive role models when dealing with tenants, the public, media, and government officials while investing in and providing properties, products or services to others.
PCREIA members will not knowingly construct or maintain unsafe, unsanitary or otherwise uninhabitable housing.
PCREIA members shall not discriminate against any person on account of race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, handicap or familial status as defined by applicable local, state and federal laws.
It shall be a material violation of the Code for any member to use the membership directory for solicitations or for commercial purposes without written permission of the board.
PCREIA members will endeavor to provide assistance to fellow members whenever prudent and appropriate. When providing advice or information, members shall do so only to the extent that they feel competent to do so.
PCREIA members shall be prudent in their disclosure of information regarding other persons or entities. In particular, information of a personal nature shall be treated judiciously and disclosed only when required or permitted by law or by the person or business about whom the information is disclosed.
PCREIA members neglecting to pay dues by the date they are due, including any grace period, if any, set by the board of directors, shall surrender all rights and privileges of membership forthwith and shall automatically be dropped from the membership rolls.
PCREIA members will not intentionally misrepresent any material facts in dealing with other members or the general public. For example, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, members will not intentionally lie, cheat, steal or otherwise take unfair advantage of others in the conduct of their real estate transactions or other business dealings, nor take unfair advantage of the PCREIA.
PCREIA members will endeavor to keep themselves informed on matters affecting housing and other real estate in their community, including local, state and federal laws, regulations and significant judicial decisions, and shall conduct themselves in accordance therewith. Members shall strive to improve their knowledge and competence in matters relating to real estate investing and management.
PCREIA members understand and acknowledge that the PCREIA, its officers, directors, committees, and agents, as a non-profit corporation run by unpaid volunteers, cannot and does not have the ability, time, or means to independently verify advertisements and the represented qualifications of our membership, and that it is up to members: to sponsor only those persons for membership whom they feel in good faith will adhere to the aspirations of the Code; to bring to the attention of the board any conduct of another member or proposed member known or believed in good faith to be in material violation of the Code; and to perform such due diligence in their business dealings as the respective member reasonably deems necessary or appropriate to the circumstances, to avoid or minimize the possibility of falling victim to fraud, misrepresentation and illegal practices.
PCREIA members shall comply both in spirit and letter within rules and regulations prescribed by law and government agencies for health, safety and progress of the community; with complete compliance with all Civil Rights legislation being mandatory.
PCREIA members shall not perform or cause to be performed any act which would tend to reflect on or bring into disrepute any part of the single and multifamily, etc., housing industry.